Today we bypassed our guest interview for a roundtable conversation about the current political climate. In case you didn’t know, your favorite artist probably supported Hillary Clinton into a landslide defeat. What impact did our musicians have on this result?
In fact, what political statements do artists have the right to make?
Can Lil Wayne discuss Black Lives Matter intelligently? Why do Jay-Z and Beyonce mean anything to you as a voter? Does Killer Mike deserve a platform?
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#Rule029 On this episode we discuss the relevancy of radio in today’s market; building good relationships at your local radio station; and what it...
#Rule040 Crossing over is a sensitive subject for most urban artists. It means access to new fans, new opportunities for endorsements, and overall broader...
#Rule012 Special holiday realease of The 90/10 Rule. We thought that with all that we are thankful for, we needed a testimony. And this...